Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Learning with Lilia

When Lilia asked me if I wanted to help her with a school project I said sure!  She talked to my teacher to get ideas of what we could work on.  We have been learning about the insect life cycle in class so that is what we decided do our project about.  We made a KWL chart like the one we did in class.  I said I wanted to learn more about how many different kinds of insects there are.  I got to use my iPad and look up the answer to my question.  I went to a few different website and saved pictures that we could use for a movie.  The movie we made shows what we learned about the insect life cycle.  I was nervous when I was on camera but I kept practicing what to say without laughing.  It was fun.  I hope I can make more movie in my class.  Now I can show my class how to make a movie, and my class can see my blog.

Madison Renea Lucio
2nd Grade
Mrs. Strand